FECO Greece-Levadia President Yiannis Geroulias gives the sad info that the well-known Greek comic artist and Vice President of FECO Greece-Levadia, Efthimiadis Athanasios died today.
Athanasios Efthimiadis was born in Istanbul in 1944. In 1968 he graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering. Living in Athens since 1976, he was married with two children. He could speak Greek, Turkish, English, French and was fluent in Albanian as well.
Athanasios Efthimiadis was interested in cartoon art in the early years but towards the middle of the 1990s began to draw cartoons. He began to participate in international competitions in 2000 and has achieved many successes then. Athanasios Efthimiadis retired in 2006 from the institution "the PPC of Greece" where he had worked as an engineer, and devoted himself entirely to cartoon art. He has won a total of 38 awards in international cartoon competitions so far and was also a member of selection committees. He was one of the artists whose biographies and selection of works were included in the "20th Century World Dictionary of Contemporary Graphic Humorists", published by the "Academy of Humor" in Spain. Some of his works are collected in the "Museum of Graphic Humor EU". He had published his cartoons in "A Cartoon Approach".
(Source: Huseyin Cakmak, Cyprus [email protected])
Karikaturcu Orgutleri Federasyonu FECO’nun Yunanistan’daki FECO-Levadia
Baskani Yannis Geroulias’tan alinan bilgiye gore,
taninmis Yunan karikatur sanatcisi ve FECO-Levadia Baskan Yardimcisi
Athanasios Efthimiadis'in bugun öldügü ögrenildi…
Athanasios Efthimiadis, 1944 yilinda, Istanbul'da dogdu...
1968 yilinda "Istanbul Teknik Universitesi - Insaat Fakultesi"nden mezun
oldu... 1976 yilindan beri Atina'da yasamaktadir...
Evli ve iki cocuk babasidir...
Yunanca, Turkce, Ingilizce, Fransizca ve Arnavutca bilmektedir...
Athanasios Efthimiadis, karikatur sanatina kucuk yaslarda ilgi, hayranlik
ve sevgi duymaktaydi ancak, karikatur cizmeye 1990'li yillarin ortalarina
dogru basladi... 2000 yilindan bugune uluslararasi yarismalara
katilmaya basladi ve bircok basarilar elde etti...
Athanasios Efthimiadis, 2006 yilinda, muhendis olarak calistigi
"PPC of Greece" isimli kurumdan emekliye ayrildi ve
kendini tamamiyla karikatur sanatina adadi...
Ulusal ve uluslararasi karikatur etkinliklerinden bugune dek toplam 38
odul kazanmistir; uluslararasi karikatur yarismalarinda secici kurul
uyeligi yapmistir... Ispanya'daki "Mizah Akademisi'nin yayinladigi "20.nci
Yuzyilin Dunya Cagdas Grafik Mizahcilari Sozlugu"nde ozgecmisine ve
yapitlarina yer verilmistir...
Bazi karikaturleri "AB Grafik Mizah Muzesi"ne secilmistir...
"A Cartoon Approach" isimli bir karikatur albumu mevcuttur.…
Athanasios Efthimiadis, Karikaturcu Orgutleri Federasyonu FECO'nun
Yunan Levadia Temsilciligi'nin Baskan Yardimcisiidi.
Ενημέρωση & Πολιτισμός » Internet Press Kunst und Museen
Σχόλια (8)
muharrem akten, on February 05, 2011 report post απάντηση applause 0
ismail dogan, on December 25, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Wonderful tribute
ALEX gb, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Hilmi Simsek, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Great tribute!
Kidor, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
saadet demir yalcin, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Very good work!
menekse cam, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Hayati, on December 24, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0