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Σχόλια (4)
History proves it.
Leaders who overcame foreign interests end up in the bin
of the useless.
This is what the Americans do wherever they have gone, the same and in another way the leaders of the European elite who served them will suffer, impoverishing the European citizens as well.
Shahid Atiq, on November 07, 2023 report post απάντηση applause 0
Leaders who overcame foreign interests end up in the bin
of the useless.
This is what the Americans do wherever they have gone, the same and in another way the leaders of the European elite who served them will suffer, impoverishing the European citizens as well.
vasilis dagres, on November 07, 2023 report post απάντηση applause 0
But he is well protected in the garbage can.
Shahid Atiq, on November 06, 2023 report post απάντηση applause 0
Harm Bengen, on November 06, 2023 report post απάντηση applause 0