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Σχόλια (15)
Σχολιάστε Σελίδα 1 2Member
bravo maryan..!!!!!
samir alramahi, on August 22, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
diana b, on August 13, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
si e atat de plina de forta si incarcata de sens, incat aproape ne-ar sufoca daca nu ne-ar alinta mai intai sufletele si ne-ar apropia ochii de inima si mintea de trup;
sigur ca de fiecare data poate avea conotatii diferite, DAR IN ESENTA RAMANE EXACT CEEA CE PARE A FI: O NEDISIMULTA IMBRATISARE !!!!
.....o nedisimulata admiratie din partea mea !!!!!
P.S. daca toate "religiile" ar imbratisa aceeasi credinta, ar fi mai putina dihonie in lume !
lidia, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
saadet demir yalcin, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Congrats! ******
menekse cam, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Pace între religii!
> foarte bun MAV!
RnRicco, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
foarte frumos,,,oare noi mai stim sa ne imbratisam asa sau doar ideile noastre?!:)
...macar IDEATIC si ar fi 1 MARE pas spre BINE...
LuciD, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
FAINA MAESTRE...O IMBRATISARE DIVINA...a divine embrace...5,5*...^v^
...pana la urma DIVINUL este o "kestiune" intima a fiecaruia...TU ai "deskis" doar fereastra spre spatiul interior al privitorului..."RESTUL e TACERE"...adica MEDITATIE...REPET, O LUCRARE ADANCA SI FAINA...SIMPLA K UN CRISTAL! MAESTRUL NU SE DEZMINTE...^v^
Marian Avramescu wrote:
Multzam,Lucian, eram usor tensionat de posibilele interpretari. conotatiile religioase nu sunt percepute totdeauna asa cum le vedem
LuciD, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Kidor, on August 11, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0