Master of the Syrian Kraken
#353530 / viewed 3013 timesErdogan has many problems:
- if he lets Idlib refugees cross the border he will not know whether they really chose the transit towards Europe;
- his deployment of S 400 missiles prevents that western forces could help him in the Idlib region - for instance with respect to a no-fly zone;
- with his Idlib engagement he acts against Russian interests; but he depends on Russia:
> Turkey imports Russian natural gas
> Turkey imports Russian nuclear fuel
> he needs Russian support for his S 400 system
Πολιτικά » National/Domestic International Military & Security Terrorism Confederations Conflicts & War Politicians
Σχόλια (4)
He is one of biggest crook
gungor, on March 06, 2020 report post απάντηση applause 0
Jochen N, on March 02, 2020 report post απάντηση applause 0
Erl, on March 02, 2020 report post απάντηση applause 0
, on March 02, 2020 report post απάντηση applause 0