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Σχόλια (5)
congratulations "toonpool"
congratulations "toonpool" friends..
donquichotte, on October 16, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Nekra, on October 14, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Good luck in everything you do!
Kidor, on October 14, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
ALEX gb, on October 14, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0
Great news, everyone: toonpool.com proudly presents “A Smile Goes ‘Round the World / Bir Gülümseme Dünyayı Dolaşıyor”, an exhibition of cartoons by toonpool.com artists from all over the world. The exhibition will take place in Izmir, Turkey between October 15 and 29, 2010 (scroll down for more detailed information). This is an interview with charming Menekşe Çam who made all of this possible.
Menekşe, it’s so exciting that there will be a toonpool.com exhibition in Izmir. Can you tell me how this came into being?
In fact, my husband first brought up the idea of a joint exhibition when we visited Berlin in late January. I mentioned the idea in the interview I gave back then and got very positive responses. I really want to thank Bernd Pohlenz for trusting me with the organization of the first toonpool.com exhibition in the “real world”.
Of course I also have to thank all the artists who agreed to join the exhibition and sent in their cartoons. Finally, there is the people at the BKM (Buca Municipality Cultural Center) who agreed to host the exhibition and gave us all the things we needed. Organizing this took a lot of time – more than three months. And it took a lot of hard work.
So, what is the general idea of the exhibition?
First of all, it’s a wonderful cultural event that puts the works from a great cartoon community on display for the first time. Second, the exhibition shows that this community can act together when necessary.
There is no profit in this event apart from spiritual pleasure and artistic prestige. Still, I hope that we can repeat this exhibition in other countries – after all, our slogan is “Toonpool.com – A Smile Goes ‘Round the World”
Buca Municipality Cultural Center
How many artists will be on display in Izmir?
It was really hard to choose between more than 80,000 artworks by almost 2,000 artists from 160 nations. In the end we had to settle for 58 cartoons by 58 artists from almost as many different countries. Among the artists on display are Matteo Bertelli from Italy, Pawel Kuczynski from Poland, An Yong Chen from China, Ernst Mattiello from Switzerland, and Xavier Salvador from Spain..
What kind of cartoons did you choose for the exhibition?
Mostly they were chosen from among the most popular cartoons on toonpool.com – the ones with the greatest number of votes and comments. Some of them are political, some funny, and some thought-provoking. There will be a catalogue, too.
An Earlier Exhibition at BKM
Will some of the artists be present at the opening ceremony?
Yes, Buca Municipality will host ten artists in a hotel on the seaside – for two nights and three days. This includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. There are still some free spots.. artists who sent in their work and would like to spend a spend a weekend vacation in Izmir should just contact me.
Thanks for your time, I am really looking forward to seeing the photos taken at the grand opening!
01- Achille Superbi / Italy- İtalya
02- Agim Sulaj / Italy- İtalya
03- Alex Falco / Cuba- Küba
04- An Yong Chen / China- Çin
05- Benjamin Heine / Belgium- Belçika
06- Bernd Pohlenz / Germany- Almanya
07- Constantin Ciosu / Romania- Romanya
08- Cristina Bernazzani / Italy- İtalya
09- David Brasfield / USA- ABD
10- David Hugh Jarse / France- Fransa
11- David Parkins / Canada- Kanada
12- Damien Glez / Burkina Faso
13- Elrayah Ombaddi / Sudan
14- Eray Özbek / Turkey- Türkiye
15- Erdoğan Karayel / Germany- Almanya
16- Ernst Mattiello / Switzerland- İsviçre
17- Firuz Kutal / Norway- Norveç
18- Francisco Munguia /Costa Rica- Kosta Rika
19- George Williams / United Kingdom- İngiltere
20- Harm Bengen / Germany- Almanya
21- Hayati Boyacıoğlu / Germany- Almanya
22- Hicabi Demirci / Turkey- Türkiye
23- Ian Baker /United Kingdom- İngiltere
24- Ian D. Marsden / France- Fransa
25- Jean Marc Borot / France- Fransa
26- Jon Carter /USA- ABD
27- Joruju Piroshiki / Japan- Japonya
28- Juan Ramon Mora / Spain- İspanya
29- Julian Pena-Pai / Romania- Romanya
30- Junior Lopes / Brazil- Brezilya
31- Kresten Forsman / Greenland- Grönland
32- Luc Desheemaeker ( O-Sekoer ) / Belgium- Belçika
33- Marc Lynch / Australia- Avustralya
34- Marcelo Rampazzo / Brazil- Brezilya
35- Marian Kamensky / Austria- Avusturya
36- Matteo Bertelli / Italy- İtalya
37- Medi Belortaja / Albania- Arnavutluk
38- Menekse Cam / Turkey-Türkiye
39- Michelle Rocchetti /Italy- İtalya
40- Mortimer / Spain- İspanya
41- Nicoleta Ionescu / Romania- Romanya
42- Olaf Schwarzbach (OL) / Germany- Almanya
43- Pawel Kucyznski / Poland- Polonya
44- Phani Tetali / India- Hindistan
45- Piero Tonin / Italy- İtalya
46- Popa Matumula / Tanzania- Tanzanya
47- Ridha / Germany- Almanya
48- Rodrigo / Portugal- Portekiz
49- Ronald Slabbers / Netherland- Hollanda
50- Salvador Navarro / USA- ABD
51- Sevket Yalaz / Turkey- Türkiye
52- Seyran Caferli / Azarbaijan- Azerbeycan
53- Talal Nayer / Sudan
54- Til Mette / Germany- Almanya
55- Tjeerd Royaards / Netherlands- Hollanda
56- Valeri Kurtu / Germany- Almanya
57- Xavier Salvador / Spain- İspanya
58- Yu Liang /China- Çin
donquichotte, on October 14, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0