The Sacrilege under Cross 911
#97324 / viewed 7289 timesTHE SACRILEGE UNDER THE CROSS OF 9/11 TANGLE OF TERROR. A WALMART BUILT IN THE GRAVE YARD OF THE STEEL INDUSTRY... City of Cleveland in USA surrenders to free trade as Mayor Jackson celebrates the opening of a new Walmart store built on the grave yard of the steel industry. More than 700,000 workers related to the steel lost their jobs. Each job supported at least five other jobs. Just think of the millions of dollars it takes to just create a few jobs today.
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U.S.impoverished city surrenders to Free Trade - Bizarre Politics
Bizarre Politics Reports: City in poverty surrenders to Free Trade ... THE SACRILEGE - under the Cross of 9/11 Tangle of Terror -
Walmart built in steel industry graveyard -
ray-tapajna, on September 21, 2011 report post απάντηση applause 0
700,000 workers related to the steel industry lost these jobs. Each job represented about five more jobs in a local value added economy.
Now President Obama spends billions of dollars to create new jobs. Just imagine the value that was lost when all these workers lost their jobs and how much it takes to create new jobs. The losses are horrific. The free traders still call for more of the same while President Obama bails out the money changers who caused the problems. President Obama follows in the footsteps of President Clinton and President Bush who with the elder President Bush pushed the globalist free traders economy. It now has a long history of failures. Federal Reserves Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress about two years ago that the best way to stimulate the economy is to buy "domestically produced goods." None of the bail outs will do much until this happens.
See and and search under tapsearcher for thousands of more references and sites.
ray-tapajna, on September 14, 2010 report post απάντηση applause 0